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What is emotional intelligence and why organizations must use it in their training

Emotional intelligence is the ability to monitor and analyse one's own and other people's emotions, to discriminate between different emotions and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior leading to a positive relationship.

EI is emotional awareness – the ability to control emotions and apply them to everyday tasks. A person with high EQ is said to be ideal in a leadership position. Also a workplace with high EQ (Emotional Quotient) which is a measure of emotional intelligence has proven to be much more conducive to business

How is emotional intelligence different from personality?

Personality is the emotion, behavior patterns and thoughts of an individual; it influences our tendencies and preferences and factors like culture, religion, external environment has a larger role to play in conditioning it. However, personality can’t be used to determine your emotional intelligence.

On the other hand, EQ is the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. Furthermore it is much more easier to change and train people on EQ than their personality which is much more complex and not easy to change

How high EQ employees are better for organizations?

EQ affects the everyday decisions employees make, networking, managing conflicts, putting forth their point of view in a positive principled manner and many other. Hiring managers often look at the applicants’ emotional intelligence during the

An organisation that is emotionally intelligent has employees who are productive, motivated and efficient. They are committed to achieving their goals. They’re also happy, confident and likable.

hiring process. Those with a higher degree of EQ have a better chance of getting a job offer and have often performed better.

The emotional intelligence of current employees is also analysed on a regular basis to determine who amongst them has leadership potential. EQ is often factored into the decision regarding pay raises and promotions.

Landing a higher position in the company requires having the right amount of experience, certifications and academic background. However, employers also look at the person’s emotional intelligence when candidate for a management position. EQ helps an individual develop teams who are more productive and happy in their work.

People with high emotional intelligence can motivate themselves and others

EQ reduces procrastination and improves self-confidence. It also allows us to focus on achieving a goal. Not only that, high EQ allows people to delay gratification and strive to achieve long-term goals.

High emotional intelligence is also connected with the ability for people to understand what motivates others, build stronger bonds with colleagues in the workplace and relate to them in a positive manner. These characteristics make good candidates for leadership roles in the organisation. A leader is effective when they can recognise the needs of the people reporting to him/her.

When their needs are met, people are motivated to perform better. This leads to better workplace satisfaction. A leader can also develop stronger teams by using the emotional diversity of the members to benefit their entire organisation.

Team members are able to work together in the most effective manner, and provide better results for the organisation as a whole.

As you can see, having high emotional intelligence plays an important role in people development strategy, especially if you’re aiming for a highly productive and customer - Centric environment where EQ is even more important. It’s important to nurture your employee's EQ, so that they’re able to learn, manage and master their emotions, as well as the emotions of others at the workplace leading to a healthier and productive work environment

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