Hello sir/mam,
I am mahendra singh from IGL dehradun. We have done a program on accountability for result with you and our trainer was Dr. Arun singh. it was an amazing program with some unheard techniques which is exceptionally helpful to us. Believe me some of techniques immediately take peoples on track.
But i have one query which is related to my own team . One of my team member is almost 10 yrs older and experienced than me but designation wise he directly reports to me. it seems always difficult to make him accountable for anything due to his age and time spent in same organisation. we all give care and respect to him but he is not taking any accountability seriously. so is there any suggestion to deal smartly with him without even hurt his job or sentiments.
Mahendra singh
DM Purchase
IGL Dehradun
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You need to revisit AOSD model of accountability for others. Do get back if you need more help