We have become more and more subjective about training effectiveness and honestly speaking, even before you complete uttering the word 'training effectiveness', there will come a reply..oh
Kirkpatrick Evaluation Mode!l . Well to be honest this is all we have, "after all its not a rocket science to understand whether a training has been effective". While true to a minor extent we have all visualized training as some fill gap arrangement to impart some skills which may or may not be retained. The problem is not the evaluation model or the lack of it, the problem is we do not define why are we conducting the training in the first place
In India as we are progressing and evolving in the field of L&D, we are realising that training effective is not to identify through subjective discussion or vague assessments but there are major scientific ways to evaluate how people have fared before and after the training. The first stage is asking ourselves, why do our employee need training? What is the objective? is training is part of the solution or the solution itself?