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Competency Mapping plays a very important role in selecting, recruiting and retaining the right people who directly impact your profitability and efficiency in short and long run. Conceptial offers simple but effective competency mapping and developing competency framework for your organisation 



Job Analysis using

CJIQ ( Conceptial Job Information Questionnaire 


Using CJIQ

Interview one-on -one


Develop Competency 

Based JD






Identify Competencies for

Additional Development

Competency Mapping
Competency Mapping

All employees in an organization are unique in terms of their qualities, motivation, competence, and personality traits.

The modern HR professionals has to ensure that each employee perform their duties to the best of their ability by identifying a role which is best suited for them. This matching of jobs and people to facilitate excellence in performance can be achieved through competency mapping.

Competency mapping is a technique that involves identifying various competencies/skills that are required to complete a given job/task/role. The process consists of breaking a job into its most basic constituents (managerial, technical, conceptual, and attitude) needed to perform the same successfully. Competency mapping can be done for both roles as well as individual employees in order to assess the suitability of an individual in performing the given role. 

Identifying critical and key competencies can help create detailed role directories that can guide organizations when making hiring or promotion decisions specific to that position. In the present economic environment, employee performance is a primary concern of HR managers and the best way to recognize performance is to observe key characteristics of high performing employees that distinguish them from less productive employees. 

Conceptial can help you in your competency management through the methodology listed above. Please click below for free consultation




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With the recovering economy are you worried your top performers will soon be leaving for a new and different opportunity? Are you looking for a retention method that will ALSO bolster your productivity levels and bottom line? Let Conceptial help create and implement the perfect retention strategy via training and development. We have the expertise to conduct a Needs Assessment, Job Analysis, revamp your aging Job Descriptions and/or to recommend training options for your staff

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