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1 Day
Looking at the speed at which business moves these days, one thing is certain: if one cannot manage his time effectively, he will have a difficult time managing anything else including our stress levels. Stress is our mental, physical and behavioral response to “tail-chasing” events. In spite of our best efforts, time is unyielding – no one can stop it, slow it down, or truly save it. It is the rare person who has enough time to do all the things that he or she wants to do. For some reason, we keep adding “just one more thing,” and forget to eliminate others. The result is an ever-increasing time crunch. Conceptial pulls together best frameworks for managing time in this practice and effective workshop driven through experiential learning
Key Deliverables
Time management for people
Time management for project
Time management for organisation
Timely follow up
Time management to staying in focus
Goal accomplishment
© ConceptialTraining & Consulting
We are a new age training and consulting company
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