Standard Duration
Who should attend?
1 Day
The process of improving one’s written communication skills starts with an understanding of the communication process, its purpose, channels, and operating theories. Awareness of one’s skills is the next step. Our communication competence is then developed through application of communication knowledge and through constant and conscious practice. Knowledge-Awareness-Application-Practice. This 4-step approach will serve as the workshop’s framework.

Key Deliverables
Learn a method for continuously improving your writing skills based on Action-Reflection
Revisit the rules of proper grammar and understand sentence and paragraph fundamentals
Apply essential verbal and non-verbal strategies for effective communication
Structure and compose a variety of texts using simple language to effectively communicate a message to a specific audience
Match the type of communication purpose with the most appropriate channel for the receiver
Write professional letters, memoranda, e-mails, reports and proposals by reviewing standard templates and customizing these to your work context.
Apply effective language skills through correction of grammatical mistakes in written texts
Be confident to prepare and deliver a professional written presentation within a business context
Review errors and assess accuracy through rigorously applying a checklist to your texts
Learn the value of professional written communication in building good client relationships

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